How can I pay the Gram Panchayat property tax in Bangalore?

Gram Panchayat property tax can be paid either online or offline.

Below is the step by step procedure to pay online.

Step 1: Open the website

By default the content is in Kanada language, you have an option to translate it to English. Refer to the below image in the circle for transalation.

Step 2: Click on Property tax. Refer to the below image in the circle

Step 3: Enter your mobile number for OTP verification (No registration is require). Refer to the below image for your reference.

Step 4: Click on “Click here to pay tax” Refer to the below image in the circle for your reference.

Step 5: Enter application details, which includes

  • Name
  • Mobile No.
  • e-mail id
  • Select District, of the property from the drop-down list
  • Select Taluk, of the property from the drop-down list
  • Select Panchayat, of the property from the drop-down list

Search your property either by your name or 18 digit property identification number

(Applicant can locate 18 digit property identification number in e-khata certificate. 18 digit property identification number is mandatory to pay online)

Refer to the below image of application details.

Step 6: Complete the payment and download the receipt

Below is the step by step procedure to pay the property tax offline:

Step 1: Should have 18 digit property identification number or any of the previous tax paid receipt

Step 2: walk into the respective panchayat office where your property located

Step 3: Get the current outstanding due from counter officer in panchayat office

Step 4: You have option to pay property tax either by cash, Demand draft, or cheque. Property tax payment receipt will be issued immediately if paid by cash.

If paying by cheque or DD, payment receipt will be issued once after the fund realization by panchayat office, which would take around up to 7 working days.

We recently paid through cheque, below cheque image for your reference

Step 5: Receive the receipt. Below image for your reference.

This completes the property tax payment.

We provide assistance in cleaning your property tax in Bangalore. To opt for our service, please WhatsApp to 9 7 4 2 4 7 9 0 2 0.

Thank you for reading…


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