
Showing posts with the label Co-owner can sign rental agreement

Can a cowner do a rental agreement on the absence of an owner?

  Yes, a co-owner can do a rental agreement in the absence of another co-owner. Under the following circumstances Obtain “ General or special power of attorney” If in medical condition, attach the copy of medical report and specify in rent agreement that representing another co-owner. If another co-owner has geographical constrain, still another co-owner can sign the rent agreement through digital signing. Use the application like digisign, docusign or easysign, I am sure there are many other players in market that facilitate digital signing. In Karnataka, including Bangalore, we provide rental agreement service. Our service includes drafting + execution + notary + home delivery in 2 working days. Same day express delivery available.  To opt for our service. please write to us or Whatsapp app to +91-97424 79020. Thank you for reading...