
Showing posts with the label Procedure to get affidavit

How do I make an affidavit for address proof in order to get a driving license?

Making an affidavit is simple and easy, Just follow the below steps, Step 1:  First and foremost, prepare draft affidavit in word format. Draft is the preliminary content of affidavit before we print on stamp paper, This can be corrected and edited till we print on stamp paper. If you don’t have idea about affidavit content, use the below standard content. AFFIDAVIT (This title should be at center) I ______Son/Daughter/Wife of ______ Resident of _______ District____ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows: 1. That I am citizen of _________. 2. That my permanent residence is House/Flat/Village No.______ Near____ Sector ________District______ State _________. 3. That I am residing in _________ for the at least last _________ years. 4. That I require a _________. Deponent(Deponent should be at right extreme, you have to sign just above this in agreement) VERIFICATION: Verified at _________ on this _________ day of _________, _________ that the contents of this affidavit are t...