
Showing posts with the label Property Sale agreement fee

In India, what are the sales agreement execution fees to be paid for property?

  The fee is  zero  if you execute on your own + stamp duty It's very simple and easy to execute a property sale agreement without paying any processing fee. Just follow the below step-by-step procedure to execute your sale agreement. Step 1:  Prepare a draft agreement in word format. A draft looks like the below images Step 2:  Share the draft with seller, buyer, advocate, and your bank if you opting for home loan. The intention of sharing is to cross-verify corrections. Preferably share through email to record communication. Step 3:  If you are opting for home loan, it's important to frank a sale agreement. Your bank should able to say the franking cost. Generally, the franking cost is 0.1% of selling price. For example the selling price is Rs. 83,00,000/. The franking cost is Rs. 83,00,000X 0.1% = 8,300/- But for some cases, if you have good rapport with your bank, your bank may advise you to use only Rs. 200 e-stamp paper instead franking of 0.1% of sel...